Truth about situation in Mukachevo. Full video report.

A head of the "National Liberation Movement (NLM) Right Sector (RS)" Olexander Sachko and head of "Ukrainian Volunteer Corp (UVC) - info" Alla Mehel organised a press-conference on 27th of July 2015 in the city of Uzhgorod. The topic was tragedy in Mukachevo and an information attack against RS related to these events.
On press-conference there were present representatives of not only local news agencies, like newspapers "Fest", "RIO", online edition "Carpathian Objective" , channel "Tysa", but also local representatives of central channels: "STB", "Inter", "112" and others.
Everyone present has honored the memory of killed Ruslan Ignatoli (nickname "friend Puh") with a minute of silence. The head of NLM RS Olexander Sachko has told the representatives of mass media about the tragic events of 11th July in Mukachevo. Residents of Zakarpattia and especially people who have dealt with this information were not surprised with the story about contraband, detected by fighters of 1st Reserve Battalion of UVC on Customs of region, and facts about tight bounds of police and local mafia. More interest was shown to questions about weapons which were transported to the region for "hunting down" escaped fighters.
Representatives of mass media were also interested in the question of legalisation of UVC, rejection of RS to participate in elections, and involvement of soldiers of 1st Reserve Battalion of UVC in war on the east of Ukraine.