Eight myths about the resignation of Dmytro Yarosh

Eight myths about the resignation of Dmytro Yarosh

Myth 1.

Dmytro Yarosh left the "Right Sector" to build a political career.

> Fact: Dmytro Yarosh said about the inability to be a "figurehead" under the direction of unproductive forces. One thing that Dmytro Yarosh strives for is USSD (Ukrainian Independent United State).

Myth 2.

D. Yarosh left because he was afraid that after the arrest of G. Korban, he would be the next persecuted companion of I. Kolomoiskyi.

Fact: D. Yarosh has done nothing to be persecuted. He performs no questionable economic activities, does not incite people to crime, says no groundless public statements.

Myth 3.

The so-called "conference", where another Leadership has been elected, was attended by representatives of all departments of UVC PS and branches of the party "Right Sector".

Fact: a very small part of the branches and divisions participated the conference; some of those were disoriented, because they were incorrectly informed about the purpose of the event.

Myth 4.

The decision of Dmytro Yarosh to resign was affected by the Security Service agents, who intruded into PS.

Fact: the Leader is the Leader, because no agents, no wolves in sheep's clothing who pretend to be friends, are unable to influence his decision.

Myth 5.

Security Service agents and the Kremlin do not accept a resignation of the Leader and rock the boat of PS to destroy the organization.

Fact: all combat battalions, the most dominant party branches, the headquarter of the UVC, information department of UVC and other structural units of NLM "Right Sector" are aware of the destructive nature of the changes that the newly elected members of the newly elected Leadership want to push. The combat battalions, units of UVC and others say very explicitly "goodbye" to all double agents and cancel out all their efforts to marginalize NLM "Right Sector".

Myth 6.

Dmytro Yarosh can lead the party "UKROP".


Dmytro Yarosh can lead any party, but better OSCE, NATO and NASA (all together).

Myth 7.

Dmytro Yarosh left because he refused to support openly I. Kolomoiskyi, who stopped financing his.

Fact: NLM "Right Sector" sincerely thanks to all those supporters and volunteers whose love for Ukraine and faith in us have resulted in such strong support that even oligarchs envy.

Myth 8.

Dmytro Yarosh is getting ready to depart for permanent residence to London, or Madrid, or Paris...

Fact: Dmytro Yarosh is ready to continue the struggle for the common goal: Ukrainian Independent United State.