Leaders UVC

Staff of the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps «The Right Sector»

Division of Coordination with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Volunteer Military Units and Other Governmental and Non-governmental Bodies. The Head of the Division is friend ‘Bohema‘, a UVC ‘RS’ spokesperson. (Order by UVC ‘RS’ #39 of 12.03.2015)

Division of Material and Technical Provision and Work with Volunteers. The Head is friend Iryna Makarovska. (Order by UVC ‘RS’ #39 of 12.03.2015)

Medicine and Rehabilitation of Fighters Division of UVC ‘RS’. The Head is friend Yana Zinkevych. (Order by UVC ‘RS’ #39 of 12.03.2015)

Division of Intelligence and Operations Planning of UVC ‘RS’.

Division of Combat Training. The Head is friend "Berkut". (Order by UVC ‘RS’ #39 of 12.03.2015)

Division of Military Counterintelligence of UVC ‘RS’. The Head is friend "Gonta". (Order by UVC ‘RS’ #39 of 12.03.2015)

Administrative Department in UVC ‘RS’ Staff. The Head is friend "Bagryana." (Order by UVC ‘RS’ #39 of 12.03.2015)

Information Department "UVC-info". The Head is friend Alla Mehel. (Order by UVC ‘RS’ #39 of 12.03.2015)

Mobilization Department of UVC ‘RS’. The Head is friend Khrystyna Shahtay. (Order by UVC ‘RS’ #51 of 09.07.2015)

Department of Financial Provision of UVC ‘RS’. The Head is friend "Dana". (Order by UVC ‘RS’ #51 of 09.07.2015)

Department of Military Gendarmerie UVC ‘RS’. The Head is friend "Smereka". (Order by UVC ‘RS’ #50 of 09.07.2015)