Anatomy of fatigue caused by the war

‘Now, when the society is tired of the war...’ - a young journalist, who has the courage to go to the zone of so-called ATO for a year. She presents a sensation on fatigue of society. She has never for a moment thought about the real meaning of these words.
- ‘Wait’ – we interrupted almost altogether – ‘the society is tired of what?’
A few seconds pause. The girl again scrolls in the head a simple stylistic stamp, said without thinking. She cannot immediately reach the essence of our question: the society of the country where the war is going on, where there is no declared war, is tired of what?..
- ‘Well, you know, the anxiety, the news on ceasefire...‘ – she is trying to explain, what seems obvious, but cannot be explained. And look at us, as at happy idiots, who do not understand basic things.
Understanding the anatomy of society’s fatigue of the war is something important. Even more this is vital, because the existence of the state of Ukraine, probably, depends on this. What does a society that is tired of war? It loses. Or surrenders. No? Are we wrong? Hardly. Then why is the society tired?
People are tired of waiting for an invasion. Waiting is more exhausting than the expected event. The continuous heating alarm is the message that the invasion will be then and there; it creates a specific psychological tone of life, which is half-hysterical and half-indifferent. There is nothing constructive either in the first one or the second one. Fears, caused by expectations, can be overcome with a simple formula: Imagine that everything you fear has already happened. Can you imagine? What will society do? Divided into halves: some will be happy to be back to the ussr; others will defend their homes as they can? Or they monolithically rise to protect the Motherland? How to rise? Individual units, single guerrillas, or as cohesive self-defence, supported in each house, each apartment? Where will they get the weapons? Sponge from a box, or will acquire them in battle as volunteers? If the society is tired, it is not in the process of preparation for a possible invasion, but only in the alarm mode.
Society is tired of disbelief in their defenders. The information field around the combatants is very specific: the story about the nude, deaf, forever drunk army, which is dragooned into sconces. It does not promote the growth of faith in their strength and victory. And billboards placed by the Ministry of Defence more than six months ago with faces of heroes did not rescue the situation. Even more interesting with volunteer battalions. Initially, the campaign took place to subordinate volunteer battalions, then the campaign to discredit and collapse. For the majority it worked. "The volunteers performed their role!" – Is being heard more often. Indeed? And have we already won the war? Have won back our land? Installed peace on it?
People are tired of economic problems and expectations of life to deteriorate in this sense. Of course, the government of Yatsenyuk did not promise paradise, but the discrepancy between promised things and done ones is already cynical. The fact is that community is exhausted of economic problems. The only question is: what should be considered as primary? Preparing to surrender, because of the depletion of the economy, or the depletion of the economy to surrender? Considering all factors of information policy of authorities, we incline to the second option.
However, the society is tired mostly, because of lesions. In all areas: front, the economy, elections, at all levels of life. Because of aimlessness. In no its decision, no action of the authorities has demonstrated to the society their willingness to win. To negotiate - yes. To win – no. In words, we want to return our lands, at least sweep the enemy behind sidewalk tripper. In reality, we are losing its territory, losing people. Just today in the story of the Battle of Bila Kamyanka I have heard: "The commander ordered to take it at any price" (the operation is planned by the command of Armed Forces of Ukraine). Smells like the Soviet Union...
Do you remember the tale of a frog that has fallen in sour cream? First, it was easier for her to move legs because the sour cream was dense. And then the colloidal solution was formed and became more difficult for the frog. And legs became tired. We are the same. It became more difficult: the system matured, became more impudent and cynical.
And we are tired of losses and despair. Are we giving up? No?
Society cannot win this war, it is amenable to fatigue and depression. Society cannot break the system - it has shown this during two elections. Who will do it? The answer is obvious. The Nation.