The head of information services of the Right Sector Olena Bilozerska about the blockade of Crimea.

Right now I am far away with my unit, but all my thoughts are there, near Chonhar, with those guys - Tatars and Ukrainians, blocking the Crimea. I hope we will be ordered to go there at least for a short rotation. For sure, I will be useful there because I have the experience of standing on checkpoints.
Of course, I fully support the blockade. It is a great shame that this had not been done before, by the state, not just by citizens’ initiative.
They say that during a day of blockade 800 trucks have been stopped. How many of them passed for over the year and a half?
That’s why we still have this shameful "ATO", the war, that is not even named so, all because our government for all this time was selling food to Crimean invaders and was purchasing coal from the Donetsk collaborators. It was very convenient for both sides, the government and the alongside business. It’s such a false war. But our guys have died for real. And civilians on the front and rear lines have suffered for real. And now we finally started to break their comfort-on-blood.
Nice to watch the hysteria of ragtags (“vata”).Their comparisons to the besieged Leningrad show that they begin to perceive everything seriously. Now the blockade needs to be kept for at least a couple of weeks - and ... Crimeans will see whether Russia, which "saved them from ATO", simply is able to provide their necessities. Khrushchev was not an idiot and realized that to supply the Crimea from Russia is very uncomfortable. Ragtags already wrote about the "genocide", "famine", and that we, “instead of filling the Crimea with quality products and tourists, in order to maintain the Ukrainian influence in the region, revenge on simple inhabitants of Crimea”.
Remember, friends and enemies, for their own and others' sins, the people are the ones that always pay. The rest, non-people - just do not have enough to pay.
Ordinary residents of Donbass, on either side of the front line, are paying, because Crimeans welcomed Putin.
We all must pay because someone called up a war on our land.
Crimeans are afraid of "ATO" - but the war threatens only the regions where the population took up arms against the state. And NOT TO GIVE OURS TO THOSE WHO SUPPORT OUR ENEMIES - is our inherent right. And even duty.
Since ancient times people prayed and fasted before making important decisions. Fasting clears the mind and directs thoughts to spiritual, extraordinary things. So, let them fast and choose. And let them create food riots, a headache for Putin. That is going to be his bonus, in addition to the Donbass and Syria, and all the previously subdued territories.
And we must not ask them anything. No referendum, even the most honest. For now it is not the Crimea, which was annexed a year and a half ago because pro-Ukrainian people were forced to flee from there. On the contrary, Russians from Russia moved in.
We must return the Crimea - just as a thing, as a mobile phone, stolen by a snatcher. Respectively, we must give the snatcher in the face (for international court is corrupt and the snatcher could be ransomed). Refugees must return to their homes. Zombie aliens - behind the border. After that - 5 years of normal pro-Ukrainian policy and two years of preparation for the referendum. With a record number of international observers. Then we will see whose really Crimea is. And that will close this issue permanently.