The Letter of the Last Will

For dinner... even that baffles…along with the experience, which resents and shouts, blocking the consciousness with the acquired examples of pictures from the recent past at point “zero”, seasoning all that purple salad with all kinds of superstitions.
Why do I need it? I came here to fulfill the hardest man’s work, not to die, but just to do my job.
Testament - no, it's not me, not for me, and not about me. Not to jinx!
And then suddenly everything disappears, all this disturbance lays quietly and hides only from one, but indeed remarkably clever question; aptly, like a controlled charge:
– “Whom do you fight for?”
Precision of the question is exactly what concerns a personal insight - "for whom?" Because personal reasons are inherent for humans. All the rest - the ideology, patriotism, occasion, at least if war can be regarded as such - is secondary.
Why all the glorious motives appear in the background, although having a considerable impact on the motivation of the individual decision to go to war? Because very few of those who are on the front line or already have this experience - few are really aware of the consequences for himself as a person and for his personality. War distorts everyone without exception: pain, injury, damage to the psyche, and, as a consequence, complete destruction of family and social ties. Psychopathy, alcoholism, neurasthenia are only the upper layer of the effects of the PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder).
Yes, these are personal motives: fighting for my family, children (acquired or future), parents, relatives, for the opportunity to have my own productive future, and, of course, fighting on my own land, against the fierce enemy.
These motivations vividly express concerns for the surrounding: their peace, their health and life. So why not be responsible for them to the end, like a man?
A “Letter of the Last Will” is such tool. This is not an invention, not a whim of a wise commander. This is a forgotten long tradition of every intelligent and wise person who, in addition to a doctor, lawyer, and notary, must have an executor of his last will. Before going on a dangerous expedition out to the sea, before a long trip, or going to a war, the executor was given instructions on how and what to do after the death of the customer.
In that letter, first of all are laid out the motives of a chosen path, then there are appeals to the family and loved ones, ending debts of conscience, and lastly, directions on decisions regarding life and property.
This letter has a humongous mobilizing effect on the author, which necessarily is reflected on improved vigilance, responsibility, and moderation, which generally provides more chances on survival and implementation of tasks.
Is it thought-provoking you to write your own “Letter of the Last Will”? Well, probably it is time to join the training program “Wounded Warrior Ukraine”. Mastering simple techniques allows the soldier to provide needed first aid to a friend, colleague, subordinate, or even commander, to stabilize his psychological state until the relevant expertise arrives, or to prepare for the medical help in order to prevent unnecessary losses.
Welcome to Wounded Warrior Ukraine.