The Right Sector of Kharkov presented the logistics complex with a hostel for volunteers and soldiers of ATO
During the war in eastern Ukraine, Kharkiv being in fact a front-line city has become a real logistics hub for volunteers, military persons, activists and volunteers. Thousands of people a day pass through Kharkiv to ATO zone and back. Since beginning of demobilization this flow has to be increased, and many soldiers may need a place of temporary accommodation, medical treatment, legal aid, etc.
For these reasons the Right Sector of the Kharkiv region was decided to create a unique for today logistics center, which combines a hostel for soldiers where they can have various kinds of help, and volunteer base where they could solve a range of important tasks. For example, to sort out shipment from a huge truck carrying aid to several sectors of ATO zone, to smaller carriage, that will deliver the shipment directly to requisite sector.
The scale and scope of the center is really impressive. In the future it will be able to accommodate more than two hundred guests contemporaneously, and more than twenty trucks could be located in the territory. More than thirty people pass through the center during the first working week before the official presentation.
Soldiers and volunteers who need to resolve their business in Kharkiv can contact the center at Saratovska street, 2A.