To the members and managers of the city regional centers of the Vinnytsya Region regarding an open letter to the leaders of UVC “The Right Sector”

Brothers, we agree with you that the National Liberation Movement "The Right Sector" and Ukraine as a whole are currently going through the difficult times and it is largely the fault of the highest state leadership.
Like you, we want radical actions, but to win, in addition to yours and our readiness, there is a need for willingness of the active part of the society plus an appropriate situation in the country, and it does not occur immediately - neither from bright appeals, nor from sacrificial acts. The secret of victory is in the long work at the beginning and then in a correctly chosen moment. Many of you have proven that you are willing to die for our goal, the Ukrainian Independent State. Now prove that you are able to work hard for it.
- Regarding your questions:
- All possible resources were involved, and involved effectively, to free our brother Serhiy Sternenko, the head of the Odessa branch of the Right Sector: Sternenko is now free. If you are interested to know if he is pleased with the support of his fellows, you can take the matter directly to him.
- Before the Maidan, in Kyiv and in other Ukrainian cities the opposition political forces and public organizations held many actions ("the last warnings") to which government either did not respond at all, or reacted with repressions against the activists. However, these actions were not in vain: they were preparing society to realize that such actions do not change power. When it became clear to the active citizens that the case requires a feasible participation of each, Maidan started. When they realized that this is not enough, Maidan won.
- Open letter is not the best method of discussing specific proposals. From September 11 to 13, 2015 in Kyiv the Leaders of NLM “The Right Sector” held a meeting with the heads of regional departments. As a result of this meeting concrete decisions were made, some of which have already been communicated, some of which will be brought to the managers of divisions in the near future. If you have any proposal that was not discussed at the meeting, you can bring it in due course to the leaders.
- This question was already answered by the commander of UVC RS friend "Letun": "The Ukrainian Volunteer Corps (UVC) is the people's army, created at the beginning of the war to fight the external enemy. The soldiers have a right to choose where they can accomplish it better and more effectively. The challenge is to destroy the most bastards. Fighters may have different views, although they are united by a common hatred to the Russians, and each is worth dozen men... But to deal with the internal invader and the regime there are revolutionary organizations (if someone sees none, he should create one himself). And those fighters of UVC and the other volunteer organizations and even the Armed Forces who see and understand the need for revolutionary fight must go there and create a new future. You do not want a tractor to carry out shuttle transportation, a bus to plow the field. Everything has its purpose and goal. "If this is not clear enough, we explain: in a battle sometimes it is necessary to make some tactical moves that not everyone likes. If the leaders have made a certain decision, it means there was a good reason for it. The leaders respect all fighters of UVC, therefore everyone is left free to choose whether to integrate into the government security forces or not.
- If you consider yourself as revolutionaries and "anti-system", stop declaring it in public appeals. Appreciate and take care of your organization and your colleagues. Do not waste our time, joint efforts, human and financial resources to pay for lawyers and to wait in line to pass a transfer. War is not lossless, but smart commanders always try to minimize loses. They do not drive poorly organized and poorly armed fighters against heavy machine guns of the enemy. In a war there are always others, less interesting, but more reasonable options.
We have a common goal - Ukrainian Independent Sovereign State, from which we have never retreated and will never retreat. Remember that the first and the most necessary thing to achieve it, is unity and discipline, and self-discipline first. So, work on self-improvement and on development of your organizations.
Before October 1, please submit a report on the work done during the period August-September.
Glory to Ukraine!
The Leaders of NLM “The Right Sector”