The coordinating headquarters for forming the National Movement was created

Створено координаційний штаб для формування загальнонаціонального руху

The meeting was held on April 16, Saturday, in which the representatives of PNPO "DIYA" (The Yarosh Statehood Initiative) led by Andrii Sharaskin, the Union of Ukrainian Officers (Lieutenant General Oleksandr Skipalskyi) and PNPO "The Movement for Sovereign Development" (B.Shyshkin, T. Stetskiv, B. Zherdytskyi) took participation. The issue of necessity to develop a unified national movement based on poly-leadership was discussed.

The Coordinating Headquarters was created at this meeting that aims to unify the different right centrist structures into a united powerful movement, which is to conduct the complete restructure of the state, and its doors would be open to all concerned about Ukraine's future. The activists of the mentioned organizations were entrusted to create locally the special groups for effective cooperation.

It was also decided during this meeting to appeal to the activists, especially the elders who can be called as the moral figures of the nation, and invite them to join the Elders Council of a newly created movement that they could pass on their experience to the younger generation.

The Coordinating Headquarters defined the priority areas (the list below is not comprehensive) which the future structure will be working in:

- Above all, it is a sector of defense and security of our country (the volunteer army, volunteers, and law about the arms).
- It is a development of the new social contract that is already under way.
- It is an economic model of the future country.
- It is the introduction of a postulate that land and natural resources are the nation's authorized capital.
- It is the monitoring of courts (they should be fully open to the public).
- Certainly, it is the introduction of changes to the election legislature. The parliamentary elections should be exclusively proportional, without majority districts, and the party lists should be completely transparent. There should be a return to three percent threshold with permission for candidates to run not only from the parties but also from the blocs of parties with public organizations. There should be a developed mechanism of forming the honest and responsible (but not party) commissions. The political advertisement should be banned, instead of it there should be debates, so that a voter would vote for the smartest politicians but not for the richest oligarch structures.

"If these changes are not introduced, we can't participate in elections," the present attendees said. "We will be forced to act in an alternative way."