All-Ukrainian Congress of NLM the Right Sector on July 21st 2015. Full video report

1. All-Ukrainian Congress of NLM the Right Sector. The grand opening
Greeting of the participants of the Congress, National Anthem performance, prayer and speech of the UVC chaplain, a minute of silence in memory of those who died fighting for the independence of Ukraine. The grand opening of the all-Ukrainian Congress of NLM the Right Sector.
=================================2. All-Ukrainian Congress of NLM the Right Sector. The head of party The Right Sector friend Pylypas (Andriy Tarasenko)
The head of party The Right Sector friend Pylypas speaks about a year and a half history of our movement, the essence of today's "power" in Ukraine, the unreasonableness of the parliamentary game with "cheaters" of the criminal gang that usurped the power, about the national revolution as the only way to overthrow the regime of internal occupation. He also calls for Congress participants to make the right decision about the further development of military-political movement the Right Sector.
=================================3. All-Ukrainian Congress of NLM the Right Sector. Member of the Central Leadership friend Hatylo (Valery Chobotar)
Legendary Commander, fighter of Ukrainian Volunteer Corps friend Hatylo talks about the phenomenon of the Ukrainian patriotism revival, provides an objective assessment of the military-political movement Right Sector and talks about the process of creating true Ukrainian troops. He also speaks about failure of the calls for the change of regime, the need for serious work on the development of Ukrainian nationalist political movement, and the perspectives of the Right Sector ...
=================================4. All-Ukrainian Congress of NLM the Right Sector. Commander of UVC the Right Sector friend Letun (Andriy Stempitskiy)
The commander of UVC the Right Sector friend Letun congratulates all fighters with the first anniversary of UVC. He talks about its creation and about a glorious battle way of our units, about separate and reserve battalions, about war, about the lack of will for victory coming from Ukrainian government, and about the complex realities of the overall situation in the country.
Commander covers the Mukachevo events, speaks about the essence of this shameful provocation of pro-government criminal clans, about the threat of separatism in Zakarpattia, about combating the criminal system and the future victory of the Ukrainian nation.
=================================5. All-Ukrainian Congress of NLM the Right Sector. Commander of the 8th Separate Battalion of UVC the Right Sector friend Cherven (Andriy Gergert)
Commander of the 8th Separate Battalion of UVC the Right Sector friend Cherven talks about everyday military life of his unit, the war in "Sector M", the treacherous policy of the Commander in Chief of Armed Forces, the infamous "Minsk agreement", the withdrawal of volunteer battalions from Shyrokyno, refusal of UVC to surrender Ukrainian territory to the enemy ...
Friend Cherven reads the appeal from the UVC commanders to the Leader of military-political movement the "Right Sector" Dmitriy Yarosh demanding him to save his powers of the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The main reason is that volunteer movements need protection by parliamentarian and there is also the need of coordination and cooperation with the Armed Forces and other security forces that Yarosh can perform as deputy and adviser of the Commander in Chief of the General Stuff.
=================================6. All-Ukrainian Congress of NLM the Right Sector. Member of the Central Leadership Friend Dana.
Member of the Central Leadership Friend Dana speaks about the realities of today, the extremely difficult situation in the country, the usurpers of power, pro-government crime gang, and the importance of the soon victory of the National Revolution.
But considering all factors, Friend Dana underlines that at this point armed rebellion is absolutely inexpedient and may result the loss of Ukrainian statehood.
Friend Dana calls on patriots to increase pressure on the government and to force it to stop treacherous anti-Ukrainian policy, because it is the last chance to prevent the armed uprising and chaos in Ukraine.
=================================7. All-Ukrainian Congress of NLM the Right Sector. The Leader of NLM the Right Sector Friend Yastrub (Dmytro Yarosh)
The Leader talks about the battle of the Right Sector against crimes of internal occupation regime at the time of war with Russian invaders, about the need to preserve our country, but at the same time to sweep shameful traitors government and prove that Ukrainians are entitled to their own National State.
Dmitro Yarosh emphasizes the need to create alternative governance structures by patriotic movements of Ukraine that can replace the old corrupted structure which comes to its end.
Dmitro Yarosh encourages people to use the right to initiate a national referendum on issues of non-confidence in the criminal authorities, denunciation of treacherous “Minsk agreements”, declaration of war, total blockade of the occupied territories, legalization and structuring of UVC the Right Sector.
The Leader suggests that political party the Right Sector does not take part in the dirty games of criminal authorities - in elections to local government bodies.
The goal of the Right Sector - the overthrow of the regime of internal occupation, not its transformation. The Right Sector should start informing people in order to convey understanding of the need of radical changes in Ukraine, and the need of the National Revolution.
The military-political movement "Right Sector" from now on will be called the National Liberation Movement (NLM the Right Sector).
We have no other support except the people of Ukraine. And it is the people that the Right Sector fights for.
"Together we are the force that can change this country! I want you to believe it because it is true. Our revolution continues and this revolution must end with our victory! Glory to Ukraine!"
=================================8. All-Ukrainian Congress of NLM the Right Sector. The final part.
The final part:
- Urgent issues discussion;
- Voting;
- Answering questions of the participants of the Congress;
- Completion of the Congress of NLM the Right Sector.