His Highness and Excellency Pan Hetman of entire Ukraine Poroshenko?

During the solemn speech commemorating the 24th anniversary of the Ukrainian Independence, the President P. Poroshenko quoted a famous philosopher-statesman of the last century Vyacheslav Lipinsky:
“The nation embraces all classes, languages, faith, and tribes of the Ukrainian land.”
This statement is short and does not carry any landmark content. It was not necessary to turn to the classic author to formulate such a simple idea.
Who is Vyacheslav Lipinsky, whose name, until now, was never on the list of quoted authors among the public people? Vyacheslav Lipinsky is the author of the theory of Ukrainian monarchism, which was expressed during the national liberation movement at the beginning of the XX century in his work about the establishment of the Ukrainian Statehood under the name “Ukrainian Labor Inheritable Monarchy”.
The Ukrainian monarchism is one of many nationalist movements, and there are a lot of sensible judgments about nation and government systems in the works of V. Lipinsky, however, unlike the nationalists who follow the doctrine of Dmytro Dontsov, Lipinsky firmly believed that the head of the Ukrainian Nationalist State should be not just Hetman, but inheritable Hetman.
Wondering if our President just decided to read a wise book before bed, or is secretly trying on a crown and stroking a Hetman mace?
Given that the state is not only in the external information warfare, but also in the internal, and also because the “Cynical followers of Bandera”, according to public statements, are personal enemies of the President, it becomes obvious that the quoting one of the Ukrainian nationalist movement theoreticians in the solemn speech was not incidental.
After all, this is what theoreticians are good for - one can pull quotes for every taste. For example, Lipinsky has these words:
Nationalism could be twofold: establishing the state and eroding the state - one that promotes the statehood life of the nation, and one that erodes that life. The example of the first one could be the English nationalism, and the second one - Polish, Ukrainian nationalism. The first one is territorial nationalism, the second one - nonterritorial and confessional nationalism. The first one is called patriotism, and the second one - chauvinism. When you want to establish the Ukrainian state - you should be patriots, not chauvinists. What does that mean? This means, above all, that your nationalism must be based on love to your fellow countrymen, and not on hatred to them because they are not Ukrainian nationalists. For you, for example, Ukrainian russophile or polonophile (the ones you call Little Russian and Rusyn) should be closer than a stranger who would help you to break away from Moscow or from Poland.
We will never have opportunity to ask the author what he meant. But all these court analysts, apparently, decided to search for some ideological concepts suitable for the current regime, in order to balance the nationalism, which, though not as fast, but takes understanding and popularity in the society.
This is the classical tactics of "divide and rule". If the nationalists are to be divided on the right ones and not right ones, it becomes very easy to get rid of inconvenient people and to discredit, assimilate their ideas. Indeed, it is hard to believe, that under the rule of existing nomenclature it is possible to build a national state, either by Lypynsky, or by Dontsov, or by anybody else.
Obviously, Lipinski himself would disgustedly withdrew from those who during their life managed to be left-centrist, and then social-democrat, and then national-democrat, and now, as if nothing had happened, quoted the ideologist of nationalism, at the same time denouncing it as a phenomenon, and making every effort to outlaw the true nationalists and destroy them.
So, your Highness Pan Hetman, the nationalism is not as terrible as it is painted, when with its help you can grab a piece of additional power?