Special status

The Ukrainian government has surpassed itself in substitution of the content in concepts and inventing new meanings. Look at the war, which is called ATO, or at the lustration, in which all officials of the past, except perhaps the most notorious, continue to sit in the Parliament and other high offices?
Another one - distorted and warped concept - a "special status" for Donbass or "specific regions of Donetsk and Lugansk regions" (by the way, also a distortion of the content, instead of “specific”, it should rather say “occupied”).
From the very beginning of the war the enemy demanded federalization of Ukraine. But federalization is unacceptable for our country both morally and in terms of common sense (because there is no substantial ground on which the nation and the territory should be divided). The actions of the enemy clearly show that it needs nothing other than "the Ukrainian Federation".
Instead of fighting, the current government, like a cheap girl, is trying to satisfy everyone. For this purpose, the President and his team again use their favorite tactic of substitution of concepts to convince its own people, as well as Russian invaders and foreign partners, with different things.
Its own people - in the notion that "the special status" is just a trifle and not like any federalization, the enemy - on the contrary - in the notion that, despite the neutral name - this is what they demand of us, Europeans and Americans - in the willingness to compromise, negotiate, "seek peace" and so on.
What really is this special status?
This, above all, is a huge humiliation for the Ukrainian people, because we actually confirm usurpation of Donetsk and Lugansk for 24 years of Independence. False propaganda about the oppression of Russian-speaking population, as well as significant differences between Eastern Ukraine and the other regions, obtain recognition at the national level. By implementing all these separate statuses, creating exemptions for the Russian language, culture, and media, we close any opportunities to reintegrate the occupied territories and deepen existing conflicts.
This is only a moral aspect. From the material point of view, the likely advantages of our decisions under a detailed analysis look like cons. The investments for the reconstruction of the destroyed infrastructure and the development of Donbass, promised by the Western partners, are still virtual. Even if some funds are invested in Donbass, their flow very soon will be cut off, as Europeans and Americans, as practical people, are willing to invest in the reconstruction of the region, but not into the pockets of the 'new' local authorities. There is no doubt that all the grants and tranches aimed at Donbass will be "sawn", "mastered", "lost" and eventually will settle in the pockets of the corrupt locals.
Absolutely false is also the claim that because of the "special status" we can finally shift responsibility for problems of Donbass to its authorities and residents, because now they are in charge of their own home and not just following instructions from the capital. Again, it is clear that the population of the occupied territories will continue to blame all their problems on Kyiv. First, their dream of restoring Soviet system will drastically differ from what they would eventually get, secondly, the entire Russian propaganda will work on strengthening the differences between the “special status regions” and Ukraine. Unfortunately, there is no doubt in its effectiveness.
Given the above, we can confidently reject the argument that the "special status" is the price for ending the war. Only a very naive person can really believe that in this case the war will end. The war will be postponed for a while. When in a year or two the population of the occupied territories become aware that their living standards have not even returned to pre-war, they will point fingers and, under the influence of propaganda, will demand.... what? - depends entirely on the Kremlin. In what way? As always, by the hands of Russian soldiers, criminals, and mercenaries.
At the same time the Ukrainian society should clearly understand that changes to the Constitution most likely will be accepted. Information about the consolidation of parties “Narodny Front”, “Solidarnist”, and “Udar” in the local elections shows that the campaign for 300 votes in the final changes to the Constitution is quite successful.
If this happens, very soon our country will become a hostage. But not of Donbass. The fate of Ukraine as a united and sovereign state, will be decided by the 450 deputies: depending on what forces are represented in the Parliament, we can expect changes to the law on "special status" in either direction – pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian.
In this context, I want to remind that the main power in Ukraine is its people. The people elect the President and the Parliament and thus has the ability to determine the public policy. Whoever is elected to the Ukrainian government will decide what song will be sang tomorrow in the Donbass - Anthem of Ukraine, or "Murka" (song of criminals).
But the people, who verbally and in the social media values its own pride, but in reality every time elects their yesterday rapists, for they know how to make sweet promises, gives up its dignity until finally turns into a real nation.