Moskal', you are wrong!

On August 5, Gennady Moskal, the head of Transcarpathian region, again began to tell funny stories about ‘The Right Sector’ to the society in his interview to the 5th channel. This time he said that some members of ‘ The Right Sector’ - Transcarpathia has changed authorities on the ground by the order of criminal groups.
UVC-info has the report of the 1st RBAT and ‘The Right Sector’-Transcarpathia on the work, starting from the time of Maidan. The large document (124 pages) includes only facts; evidence is kept separately. A detailed study of the document allows affirmatively declare: ‘Moskal', you are wrong!’.
Below we publish a part of the report regarding the participation of ‘The Right Sector’-Transcarpathia in the process of the local authorities’ change with some our comments. (The style and spelling of the text are original; UVC-info’s comments are italicized)
23.02.14. The Right Sector has arrested Mr. Kharchenko, the head of the Transcarpathian Customs in the Chop-town. Corruption and criminal acts are incriminated to the official person. The arrest of Kharchenko has confirmed by representatives the Chop Customs, now he is handcuffed in the building of the Transcarpathian Regional Administration. He has confessed to all the corrupt schemes and how they worked; how bribes were taken in Transcarpathia and transferred to the capital.
After his confessions have been recorded on camera and a resignation notice has been written; a former official has been released. Moreover, Kharchenko himself admitted that he has some links with Kaletnik, a communist. Igor Strychyka (a Kaletnik protégé also) has been appointed to the post (later fired) after Mr. Kharchenko. So which orders to change the officials is Mr. Moskal’ talking about if the same persons are in power?
25.02.14. ‘The Right Sector’ representatives participated in the meeting of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate in the Transcarpathian region together with the organizations of police veterans. During the meeting, Vasyl Vartsaba, the former head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate in the Transcarpathian region, has announced his resignation.
‘The Right Sector’ representatives, who were invited to the event, appealed to the team of policemen and urged police to make every effort to ensure law and order in the region and the return of the authority of police among the citizens. Alexander Sachko, the head of ‘The Right Sector’ in the Transcarpathian Region, stated that the future appointments to management positions, primarily in the police, should take place only after the approval of the staff. So he proposed to the participants of the meeting to choose a new candidate for the position of the head and submit it for consideration of the Acting Minister for the appointment.
For his part, Alexander Sachko said that activists of the organisation would support candidate agreed with the staff, and will propose its approval to the Minister to avoid destabilizing the situation in the region. Later, however, the assigned person to the position would have to go through the lustration procedure. While politicians endlessly talk, police should work!!!
To prevent outside influence on the decision of the staff, the meeting continued in the absence of the former head of police in the region, representatives of ‘The Right Sector’ and media. The decision of the staff has proposed to agree with the district and city departments of State Ministry of Internal Affairs.
So who among the participants in this publication is a criminal clan-customer of the personnel changes? The staff of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate in the Transcarpathian region? Mr. Moskal’, well, why do you so for all?
06.03.14. ‘The Right Sector’ together with the local community has led Vasyl Turday, the Chief of Interior Ministry in the Transcarpathian region, to go to the Narodna Square, where he was asked a number of uncomfortable questions. He could not give clear answers on the circumstances of his appointment, protection of the resonant case of Pavlo Nagornyi, the investigation the assault against life of Victor Schadey, the Acting Mayor of Uzhgorod, and many more.
Considering that Transcarpathia is a small region and everybody knows everybody, it's hard to imagine that the local community would have supported the circus with criminal internal squabbles for the post in the main square of the town. And, as notorious Sharanych is the successor of Turday, it is impossible to believe that ‘The Right Sector’- Transcarpathia has helped take the post of his main enemy.
12.03.14. ‘The Right Sector’- Transcarpathia representatives together with the local community and the members of Lustration Committee demanded the resignation of the head of the Transcarpathian Regional Administrative Court Oleksii Sheshenya.
Sheshenya was appointed to this position on December 25, 2013, and his task was clear: to maintain the power of a dying regime.
‘The Right Sector’ has documents that and confirmed the involvement of the head of the Transcarpathian Regional Administrative Court in corrupt deals, which he implemented during his work in the office. Activists once rescued some of these documents from burning in the courtyard of the Security Service of Ukraine.
The official has refused to write a letter of resignation. According to him, he is ready to leave his post, if Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine officially adopts a legal mechanism of resignation-appointment of judges.
Oleksii Shehshenya, incidentally, remains in the post and holds it today.
13.03.14.’The Right Sector’ representatives visited the Regional Prosecutor's Office, where had an informal meeting with Oleg Sydorchuk, the newly appointed prosecutor of Transcarpathia. He is not from Transcarpathia and therefore he does not know all features of the region. ‘The Right Sector’ representatives tried to convey to him the whole fallacy of the appointment to the post of deputy Ivan Kail, a former prosecutor of a district in the Hust city.
Ivan Kail is known, at least, for the resonant tragic story about the murder of a mother and a little girl during a terrible accident by now wanted Pavel Nagornyi. Then, after the terrible accident two people have been buried, and two children were transported in hospital with severe polytrauma. Pavel Nagornyi, firstly, hid in hospital, then disappeared from police and was declared wanted.
20.03.14. ‘The Right Sector’ together with the community of Transcarpathia has brought Ivan Kail, the Transcarpathian region deputy prosecutor, to the Narodna Square in front of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration and handed a statement of the Lustration Committee explaining why Ivan Kail should resign.
The Lustration committee has made the conclusions using facts received from people who, they said, suffered from the actions of the current deputy prosecutor. Victor Prygara, a husband of the dead family, has also arrived at lustration. A perpetrator of the crime is still not found and is wanted. Representatives of people’s councils of various districts, who also expressed their dissatisfaction of Ivan Kail, attended the meeting.
A 72-year-old man has arrived at Uzhhorod and brought an accusal against Ivan Kail, because of his ‘pressure’ on business, illegal searches and promoting raiding. In addition, people from Hust have read to the Deputy Prosecutor an appeal of a man, who at that time was in court, and is willing to testify in a case of extortion by Ivan Kail.
The deputy prosecutor refused to write a letter for resignation, as the community requires. He said that he is ready to verify to the Prosecutor General, and if the commission finds irregularities in his work, he would resign.
In the place of the picket Oleg Sydorchuk, the chief regional prosecutor has come. Participants, first, announced, and then transferred and recorded in writing statements of people about crime and abuse actions of Ivan Kail.
Can the people’s statements of abuses made by the prosecutor, who must be beyond any suspicion, be named the criminal showdown? Mr. Moskal’, be conscience, do not talk down on inhabitants of Transcarpathia.
Perhaps, this would be interesting to our readers that Ivan Kail currently holds the position of deputy prosecutor of the Chernihiv region.
30.03.14.’The Right Sector’ – Transcarpathia’s and Maidan’s activists hung the posters ‘Lustration of policemen is the question №1’, ‘Sharanych, go away!!!’, ‘Avakov, get over yourself!’, ‘Lustration is the prerogative of the revolution’ at the entrance to the building of the Transcarpathian Police. This action was provoked by the activities directed against the people by Arsen Avakov, the newly appointed Minister of Internal Affairs, and Sharanych, his protege appointed as the chairman of the Transcarpathian Police, who is known for his corruption machinations.
The people in the region became radical and will demand the total lustration of the police officials.
After this action, Sharanych has been working for over a year. Mr. Moskal’ – a new creative failure.
10.04.14. ‘The Right Sector’ refers to V.Lunchenko, the head of Transcarpathian Regional Administration, with a demand to stop breaking the law.
Dear Mr. Valeriy!
We know that you continue to combine the posts of Chairman of the Transcarpathian regional State Administration the MP of Ukraine that is the violation of Article 78, the Constitution of Ukraine.
Moreover, according to the Verkhovna Rada’s website your card for voting continues to be registered in the Parliament during your stay in Uzhgorod, as well as during foreign missions. It even takes part in voting, for example, on April 8, 2014, when you were in an official trip to Romania, your card had voted for two laws-in-draft.
So now the request to a politician not to violate the laws of the state is called an implementation of the order of criminals? Yes, it's in the region, the former head of which said that the flow of contraband has to be shared legally.
05.05.14. Roman Shnitser, the Head of the Department of Healthcare of the Transcarpathian Regional Administration, has written a resignation letter at his will. This had happened after the representatives of the Lustration Committee and the activists of ‘The Right Sector’ came.
The official person is accused in corruption schemes in the field of medicine and work at the time of the previous government.
These are the ‘orders’ given by criminal clans that ‘The Right Sector’ – Transcarpathia carried out. The Right Sector, in fact, responded to the request of the local community for help, standing for the interests of ordinary people.
In May 2015 the war has started in Donbas and the combat wing of ‘The Right Sector’-Transcarpathia had to leave home and go to the front lines to defend their land from the external enemy, while the enemy inside began again to raise the head.
Mr. Moskal’, before you decide to say new fairy-tales of political technologists to the whole country, please, check the facts.