Vivĕre est cogitare, vivĕre est militare: to live is to think, to live is to fight

«Today we do not need to seek out new theories or philosophies - we have it all. We must return to the days when the last shots of national liberation struggle were heard, must raise again the flag that has been thrown down by the enemy from our holy sites ... "
Zenovi Krasivsky
Every nation has its time - to grow and get stronger, or fade away. Thus, step by step, nations pass their own way. Some leave behind papyruses and ruins of temples, some disappear like shadows after few centuries, others God keeps on Earth for thousands of years. The Ukrainian nation is too young when compared to the old European nations. Nevertheless, we have the creation and development of the Ukrainian National State on the Ukrainian land ahead of us, because only in their own national state the Ukrainians can remain Ukrainians and Christians, and Ukraine can remain Ukraine. The pavements of Maidan, lost Crimea, and devastated Donbas indeed woke up the sleeping nation. Only through blood, own blood, as well as blood of the enemy, the Ukrainians will achieve their future.
But patriotism alone is not enough for the victory: the oligarchs, officials, and political opportunists will never voluntarily stop raping mother-Ukraine, and the Russian horde will not suddenly start following God's commandments and move behind the border, giving away candies to the orphans of Donbas. “Only liberating, revolutionary, courageous, and mass fighting of Ukrainian people, being led by its own national forces under all circumstances, by all means, based on the Ukrainian nationalistic ideology …” would give us freedom. And today we do not theorize, but in the struggle assert Ukrainian nationalism in the Liberation War in Donbas, as well as near Verkhovna Rada, and in the peaceful towns of Vinnytsya Region.
Occasionally, when our opponents quote a fundamentalist of the Ukrainian nationalistic ideology (for example, P. Poroshenko on August 24), we, being under the quote’s influence, regret that we don’t have an opportunity to argue with the quoted ideologist. Indeed, from the height of God’s Year 2015, with a gun behind our shoulders and the Internet in front of our eyes, we are much more mobile in terms of information and brainpower when compared to the early last century. Do we have to enter into discussions with the concepts of Ukrainian State establishment by such apostles of nationalism as Mykola Mikhnovsky, or Vyachslav Lipinsky, focusing on unusual to us, the followers of Bandera, Ukrainian monarchism or classocracy?
The early formation of the Ukrainian nationalism falls exactly on the turn of the nineteenth century. Social upheaval during the Ukrainian Revolution (1917-1920) gave birth to nationalism as an ideological trend and political movement. Even the bad experience of state establishment was used by the Ukrainians for theoretical research, taking into consideration past mistakes. It was the first time when the thesis of the nation as the main element of the Ukrainian state creation was established.
But how the Ukrainian nation should look like, who is supposed to become the elite of the nation, what form to take as the basis for the Ukrainian state formation - each one of the creators of the nationalist ideology saw in his own way. The idea of Ukrainian independence was formed by Mykola Mikhnovsky in 1900: "United, indivisible, free, and independent Ukraine from the river San to the mountains of Caucasus." He was the first one to reject the illusions of possible turn of the Russian empire toward democratic principles, to put the interests of nation above the interests of class. His nationalism develops clear anti-Russian orientation, "Let the scientists discover who was relative to whom; offence and wrong doing toward the whole nation is the reason to be disdained by any moral relations with the Russian nation .... "
In his turn, Vyacheslav Lipinski believed that the future Ukrainian state should be a type of a legal monarchy in the traditional form of the Ukrainian Hetmanate: "The most traditional model of ethnocracy for Ukraine is Hetmanate - elective sole power fully responsible for the situation in the State." He was against following the Western democracy, whose elements he considered to be political props.
Lipinski considers the "peasant farmers" to be the key class and the founding Ukrainian power that for centuries cemented culture and traditions. He insisted that the Ukrainian people have to raise their own ruling class, in order not to comply with alien masters.
Even though the century-old practice of nationalistic struggle states a lack of clear program of action in Mykola Mikhnovsky’s theory, as well as certain ideological publicity and vacillation toward social democracy, however, it was his national-radical slogans that influenced the new development of the ideology of the Ukrainian nationalism the most. His revolutionary nationalism, as well as the slogan "who is not with us is against us", and strong reliance on the right of strong power were in the center of Dontsov’s ideology.
You can also extract from the context Vyacheslav Lipinsky’s known statement that nationalism could be twofold: state-creative and state-destroying, like, in particular, the Ukrainian one, and accuse him of "monarchism", and then try to ram his grave with a collective farm tractor, as it happened during the Soviet time. However, he was not only a theoretician, but during his entire adult life he was working on the development of the Ukrainian state, albeit in the form of Hetmanate. Could you contr-argue his words: "If you want for the Ukrainian state to happen you should be patriots, not chauvinists. This means, above all, that your nationalism must be based on love for your fellow countrymen, and not hate for they are not Ukrainian nationalists "?
The creators of the Ukrainian nationalistic ideology in the early twentieth century were the Ukrainian Don Quixotes on the ideological crossroads of East and West. In those historical realities, during that social development, based on their own beliefs and experience, they have produced own national ideology for the Ukrainian people, the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism, which led the Ukrainians into the battles in the World War I, added strength in their fight against white and red colonialists during the Ukrainian National Revolution of 1917-1920, did not let the nation fall on knees in front of Nazi Germany and communist Moscow, and now put the pavements of Maidan in our hands and is instructing us in the fight against the internal contr-revolution and the Moscow's occupation.
Very motivational for us is the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism in the interpretation of Stepan Bandera, which is based on the integral nationalism of Dmytro Dontsov. However, without the different perspectives of the last century ideologists, without their recipes for the Ukrainian state, which are often mutually exclusive, without competition between radicalism and monarchism, hardly would revolutionary nationalist ideology be crystallized.
Brothers, let us leave the systematization of the political and ideological concepts to our grandchildren, because сogitationes posteriores saepe sunt meliores (later thoughts are often better than the former ones). We still have a massive work to do nowadays - to obtain the Ukrainian State.
Glory to the nation!