Friend Siryi: To those who work for the Ukrainian militia

We, members of the National Liberation Movement "The Right Sector", fighters of the Ukrainian Volunteer Corps "The Right Sector", appeal to you with a warning.
Your shields covered Donec’k gang on Maidan. You tortured activists and journalists in militia departments and faked automaidaners’ protocols. Are you saying that exactly this was not your job? There are a lot of militia officers; some of them came to Maidan with guns to protect people, but only after the shooting in February. Nowadays we are on the same side of the front in the war against Russian occupiers. We are volunteers and without any ammunition provided by the state. You receive salaries, stay in peaceful cities, and serve a month of rotation on the third line, at best. We together with people’s support, have overthrown the internal occupation regime of Yanukovych. We together with fellow volunteer battalions, and the Armed Forces have stopped the Russian invaders and have not given the authorities to surrender Donbass, as Crimea before, during the Minsk agreements. You are currently "in chocolate" - your wages go up, you have brand new appliances, generously receive medals, only to give the chance to political opportunists to be able to sit behind your backs and hide from people’s anger.
However, as follows from the events on August 31, politicians will not hide out.
You got used to the dominant position, to the fact that the state left you with weapons. Militiamen in regional centers have authority, and for the service that is "dangerous and difficult" get a good diet now and will go into retirement at the age of 40-45 years with not a small pension. So was during the Union and 23 years of independence. From 2010, the Yanukovych’s gang narrowed it down to money - and statistics, ranks and positions - just bring money in time. It has lasted till now. But not for long.
Realize that there are people who are not only willing to die for Ukraine but also to kill bossy bloodsuckers and those who will protect them. We are ready to die for Ukraine when there would be God’s will and the order of our National Revolutionary Leadership. Are you ready to loose life for the sweet lipetsk factories or new Mezhyhiryas? Do not rush to answer, firstly answer to yourself - mentally and consciously.
Deny that you gave the oath and fulfilled orders. We will only clarify that you gave the oath to Ukrainian people, not personally to the president or masters from the Parliament. And you must not carry out illegal orders, as the events on the Maidan proved. Take a look at the reverse side of your service, about which your authorities and bosses with big stars and cleft souls prefer to remain silent.
You are often reminded on the solidarity of the militia system that stands by you: no one punished for the blood on the Maidan and for taking over departments and regional administrations in the Donbass. Those who feel the draught, had run away to the Crimea and separatists; some of the other were promoted by the "democrats". However, it has become possible because instead of revolutionary, “repainted” old politicians came to the power. Fortunately, they will not remain for long.
Do not expect that anti-national authorities will remain. Yes, the army of officials, fat militia and politically fixed games are behind them. But was not supported by same armies Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein and the same Yanukovych? The true Ukrainian government will never implement reform as now they are imitating a national reform of law enforcement bodies, where you do not have to show only staff and listen to "March Slovyanky".
And one more. When no pavers, but bombs will fall in the windows of your offices, your red-striped bosses will scatter like rats. Unfortunately, most of them will go not in sewage, but abroad. Ask public information on the mass issuance of travel passports already made by officers of the Interior Ministry. Again vis-a-vis we will stay with you. But we have combat experience and people behind, who were ten times deceived, stripped, but again revolted and with no small flags, but guns and RPGs in their hands.
And who are with you, if not the family? Besides, let us talk about them. Have you ever told to your mothers, how you secured false confessions in the offices, tossed narcotics and ammunition during searches, took money and gave freedom to murderers? And your children still naively believe that their father is a hero and are proud of you? Remember all who are trying to earn extra money or to curry favor, fabricate cases against nationalists have the answer. Yes, we are not at war with women and children. However, fathers, wives, children of militia officers who step over the line should not and will not live in peace as with the God and with men. We, banderivci, will find at midnight each of them and, gazing into the eyes, will remind that nothing in the world is so expensive as suffering through the negligence of militia, harassment or malfeasance. No justification will be found to mask their pain. In a month, a year, if not personally, then our fellows, if not in this world, then in another one we will reach you. Be sure, you have to pay wholly!
The time of collective irresponsibility of the system has ended. Now is the time of physical personal responsibility of every militiaman. Now is no longer possible to hide behind straps and orders. This is the time when first you have to answer to the people, and then to the court of the God.
We believe that currently there are many honest workers in the militia. You did not hurt students during the Maidan, did not hide “titushky” when they defeated women in the Mariinsky Park. You were focused on solving crimes and helping people. We do not require you to write reports on the release from the militia today and join us. You are decent young lieutenants, not yet spoiled by the system, who have worked for years without human blood on hands, we ask you - while serving to this under-state do not step over the oath and conscience.
The bomb in front of the Parliament became a third call for authorities. Do not let bureaucrats and politicians to shield with your bodies from the modern national Koliivshchyna. Bombs could not get into the windows of their palaces behind ten-meter fences, they will fall in the windows of your departments in our cities, in the streets, where your and our children are running. You, but not fat officials, who survive, will have to crawl through the doors with a torn white cloth and PM’s/ Fort’s on your raised hands.
So, the employees of the militia, you have to choose.
Here and today.
Glory to Ukraine!